French version here // Translation by A.Debein
If you follow the news of the label, you must know his name. He first appeared in the “Gearbox presents Lockdown 2.0” compilation with his song “You Don’t Know”, however it is especially thanks to “Shut Down” and his unique style that he started making a name for himself. But who is the person behind this alias? Well, many of you already know him under another name because is none other than Orian, a uptempo producer for Triple Six Records with DRS, MBK, R3T3P and Trespassed. So Juice agreed to answer a few questions for us to discuss a little bit more about himself and his next projects.
1- First of all, thank you very much for agreeing to do this interview. Could you tell us a little bit more about yourself for the readers who may not know you yet?
You’re welcome, thank you for contacting us. My name is Orian, I am 21 years old and I live in Lyon. I have been music for about three years under my pseudonym Orian and I started making music under the pseudonym So Juice six months ago.
2- How did you come up with the idea to produce Raw/Xtra Raw music?
It is a style that I have been wanting to experience with for a while but until recently I wasn’t really inspired.
3- What are your influences and inspirations for this style?
With raw nothing really original honestly, it’s mostly Gearbox. I love Rebelion and Malice circa 2017-2018. Apart from that I have a lot of house and bass-music influences, I mix it in most of my breaks under So Juice.
4- Could you tell us more about your next projects with your So Juice alias?
Well right now with Covid-19 ther’s nothing exciting unfortunately but a lot of releases planned.
5- How did you fall in love with music?
Well I used to draw a lot and one day I tried to compose and I really liked it. Since then it’s what take most of my time. But I’ve always needed some form of artistic expression.
6- Can you tell us more about your experience with Triple Six Records.
I did my very first collab with Nstinct (formerly known as Bass Instinct) in 2017 and he had contacts to release it on TSR. A few months later we were signing with them. Everything goes really well since then and I owe them a lot and particularly to Junot (DRS).
7- Do you have any other projects under your other pseudonym Orian?
For now Orian is on hold. I needed a break with hardcore (Covid-19 came along at just the right time in this instance). And it gives me time to develop So Juice.
8- What’s your best memory at an event?
Gearbox 10 years without a doubt, it was as just as incredible as a guest than as a professional.
9- Any last words for your fans?
Thank you for your support especially right now, without you, we as artists would be nothing. I hope to see you again very soon at parties !